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Interior Designer, Licensed Therapist & SoCal mama of three. Welcome to the blog!  I hope it brings you inspiration to create a life (and home) you really love.


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Spring She Shed Obsession

March 13, 2019

As my she shed obsession continues to grow, I researched a ton of options with you in the back of mind. If I love the idea, I am pretty sure you would get excited about this design prospect as well!

Image Credit: Lowes

Have you heard of a She Shed? Am I the only one that has heard of this glorious concept only recently? My She Shed obsession grows by the minute! Just take a look at a few of my favorites. In the image above, I would change the wood stain to white and have the trim black. Oooooh! My heart is racing!

Most she sheds I have seen online have been very much cottage vibes and floral and fauna. Which is absolutely stunning! But you know me, mid century modern architecture is my jam. Something like this would be amazing!

Image credit: Pinterest

Of course my she shed obsession led me down the rabbit hole of how to go about building one.

She Shed Obsession: Expert Builder

As my she shed obsession grew, I researched a ton of options with you in the back of mind. If I love the idea, I am pretty sure you would get excited about this design prospect as well. Anytime I come across other designers or trade from my hometown Seattle, I immediately do the jig. Why? Because we are fierce lovers of the Emerald City and we love supporting each other!

Image Credit: Modern Shed

Frankly, I am not sure if I will have the room and clearance to have this large of a shed in my backyard. But a girl can dream!

The folks at Modern Shed seems to have the exact design I have in mind! Take a peek at the Modern Shed owners’ shed in their quintessential Pacific Northwest Backyard.

Image Credit: Seattle Times


Guys, I can’t lie. Working from my cute and tiny office loft is not bad. I feel so fortunate to be working from home. Flex hours to get the kids from school, schedule my own meetings and site visits are a huge plus.

However, little Natalie wanting me to play Shopkins imaginary play while on a important business call (if you have a little one, you know what I’m talking about) or my oldest daughters Rachel and Emily needing project supplies for school etc. it can be very distracting!

So having a cute shed out in our backyard would be amazing!

She Shed Obsession: My Must Haves

Because I am fully aware this shed will be teeny tiny, there is only room for the bare essentials.

For me, a minimalistic desk and table lamp are a must! Which leads me to think I will need electrical wiring. Even as I write this, my body is beginning to coil up thinking about cost and construction.

But my she shed obsession stays strong. We will cross that bridge when it comes! For now, come dream with me on the perfect work at home solution! Another functional need I will have to build into the shed is open shelving.


This is a cost effective and easy way to use vertical space for paper storage and office supplies. I will definitely want a printer in there as well. Ugh, I definitely will need electrical wiring.

Image credit: Better Homes and Gardens

These cute open shelving and cubbies definitely make great use of the vertical space. Because it will not be very tall, my petite size will easily be able to reach the books and storage! Yessss!

Even though this she shed will be tiny, it is going to be mighty in natural light! I love, love, love natural light. I am a self diagnosed Seasonal Affect Disorder sufferer. ( I had to google “sufferer” to make sure it is a legit word.) I need sunlight. Not gray gloomy skies. I need clear, bright sunlight.

So, the larger the windows the better! I fully am aware that this shed will not be big. So if I can design large, picturesque windows, it will be a design win. But even better….

Image Credit: Lowes



Soon my friends, you will see why I am such a huge proponent of this wonderful architectural feature! It brings in so much light from above with very little effect on the floor plan. Pure blissful natural light abounds. Done. Must have a skylight!

She Shed Obsession: Design Board

Here is my lovely design board with the she shed obsession essentials.

Do you see the abfab desk chair from Article? So in love! I already have my dreamy desk so this affordable, modern and happy desk chair is the perf addition.

She Shed Obsession: A few questions

Dreaming all I want is fun and all but as with any construction, I have some looming questions to resolve.

  1. How much will this cost me? Looks like the average she shed custom or not is ending up to be $2700-$5000 which includes materials, labor and adding electricity.
  2. How big can I really build?
  3. Will I need a permit?
  4. Where should the shed go in backyard?

Aye Yai Yai! My headache just started. I found this really great article by Homeadvisor.com on all the info you need to build a she shed.

What would you use a she shed for? Are you into the she shed obsession too? I love a good design challenge and this one is definitely on the top of my list! Can’t wait so share more as I delve further into this idea.

Happy day!

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