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Interior Designer, Licensed Therapist & SoCal mama of three. Welcome to the blog!  I hope it brings you inspiration to create a life (and home) you really love.


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Discover Your Core Desire: Create a Supportive Home

September 24, 2024

Have you ever felt that something just isn’t quite right in your home, even after you’ve decorated and organized? You’re not alone. Many of us try to improve our spaces with new furniture, a fresh coat of paint, or the latest design trends, but we often overlook a fundamental step: understanding our Core Desire. In […]

Have you ever felt that something just isn’t quite right in your home, even after you’ve decorated and organized? You’re not alone.

Many of us try to improve our spaces with new furniture, a fresh coat of paint, or the latest design trends, but we often overlook a fundamental step: understanding our Core Desire. In the Home Therapy Method, identifying your Core Desire is the first and most crucial step toward creating a space that truly supports your well-being and reflects your inner self.

fireclay fireplace home therapy sitting corner anita yokota

What is a Core Desire?

A Core Desire is the feeling or experience you most want to cultivate in your life and home. It goes beyond mere aesthetics and digs deep into what you emotionally and mentally need to feel fulfilled. It’s not just about having a beautiful living room or a well-organized kitchen; it’s about creating an environment that aligns with your values and supports your personal growth.

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For instance, do you crave tranquility and peace after a hectic day? Or perhaps you yearn for a space that fosters creativity and inspiration? Maybe connection and family bonding are your top priorities. Understanding what you truly desire helps you make intentional design choices that reflect these needs.

A Home Therapy Story: Transforming a Morning Routine

One of my clients, a busy couple, found themselves constantly frustrated in the mornings. They would wake up grumpy and rush through their routine in a cramped, dysfunctional bathroom. After a few Home Therapy sessions, they realized their Core Desire was to start their day with positivity and connection, something their current space was not providing. With this newfound clarity, we designed a renovation plan that included a skylight to bring in natural light and double sinks to eliminate the morning congestion.

The results were transformative. They shared with me that now, instead of elbowing each other for space, they greet each other with smiles and start their day on a much more positive note. The simple addition of natural light and thoughtful design tailored to their Core Desire completely shifted their morning routine, leading to a happier and more connected start to their day.

Their story illustrates how aligning your space with your Core Desire can profoundly impact your daily life and relationships.

The Benefits of a Well-Aligned Home

When your home reflects your Core Desire, it becomes a powerful tool for enhancing your emotional well-being. Let’s explore how this alignment affects your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Improved Thought Patterns

Your surroundings significantly influence your thoughts. One of my clients often expressed feeling overwhelmed, saying, *“My home is messy, and it’s impossible to ever get it clean.”* This negative thought became a mental barrier, making the task of tidying up seem insurmountable. But when we started organizing one small area at a time, she began to see her space—and herself—in a new light. Her thoughts shifted to, *“I’ve made progress, and I can create the calm environment I want.”* This new mindset encouraged her to continue making positive changes, one step at a time.

Enhanced Emotional Well-Being

The ambiance of your home affects your emotions daily. Imagine coming home to a space filled with natural light, calming colors, and cozy textures. You’re likely to feel more at ease and relaxed. Contrast this with a dark, cluttered room that leaves you feeling anxious and overwhelmed. When your home is aligned with your Core Desire, it acts as a sanctuary, helping you manage stress and improve your mood.

Project homecoming living room with slatted architectural wall

Positive Behavioral Changes

When your thoughts and emotions are in harmony, your actions naturally follow. In a home that reflects your Core Desire, you’re more likely to engage in activities that align with your goals—whether it’s spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing creative hobbies, or practicing self-care routines. For example, the couple’s morning routine transformation not only improved their interactions but also inspired them to make healthier lifestyle choices, like preparing a nutritious breakfast together and taking a few moments to set their intentions for the day.

How to Identify Your Core Desire

Preparing our products for our Spa day

Identifying your Core Desire requires introspection. Start by asking yourself these questions:

– What do I most want to feel in my home—peace, creativity, connection, or something else?
– How do I want to feel when I wake up, spend time with family, or relax after a long day?
– What aspects of my current space make me feel uneasy or disconnected?

Write down your thoughts and look for patterns. You may find that your Core Desire is different for each room or area of your home, and that’s okay. The key is to understand these desires deeply and design your space to support them.


Ready to Take the Next Step?

Understanding your Core Desire is just the beginning. If you’re eager to dive deeper into creating a home that truly supports your emotional well-being, my book, Home Therapy, is your guide. Packed with practical tips, real-life stories, and step-by-step instructions, it will help you transform your living space into a sanctuary that nurtures your inner self.

Don’t just decorate—design a home that aligns with your values and desires.

👉 Buy Home Therapy Now and Start Your Discovering Your Core Desire!

Your journey to a more fulfilling home and life begins here.

In the next post, we’ll dive into practical design tips to help you bring your Core Desires to life in your home. Stay tuned!


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